Sun Safe Policy

​​​St Columba’s is a SunSmart school.

Skin damage, including skin cancer, is the result of cumulative exposure to the sun. Research shows that severe sunburn contributes to skin cancer and other forms of skin damage such as sunspots, blemishes and premature ageing. Queensland has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world; however, skin damage and skin cancer is preventable.

With this in mind, St Columba’s realises the need to protect children’s skin and educate them about Sun Smart behaviour, thus endeavouring to reduce the risk of skin damage from exposure to the sun.

When parents enrol their child(ren), they are informed of our SunSmart policy and the implications that it has for them. Being SunSmart is a joint responsibility.

For additional information, click below:​

Being Sunsmart - Cancer Council QLD (

St Columba'​s Sun Smart Policy.pdf​​