Anti Bullying Policy

​​​St Columba's School Bullying Policy 

In the spirit of our school Mission Statement and our beliefs about behaviour and learning, at St Columba’s, in partnership with parents, staff and students, will strive to be a community who create a safe environment by:
 Treating each other with dignity and respect
 Adopting a proactive rather than a reactive approach to bullying
 Working together to create a shared understanding of processes and procedures contained in this policy

Anti-Bullying Motto

Bullying at St Columba’s is unacceptable and it is everyone’s concern-
No one ever deserves to be bullied and everyone has the right to feel safe!
All members of the community, students, staff, parents and carers, also have the responsibility not to bully others and to help each other make positive behaviour choices; in the classroom, out in the playground and when using technology.


Please find the policy in its entirety at the following link:

Anti Bullying Policy Plan.pdf