
​​​​​Our Tuckshop

The Tuckshop has a long tradition in Australian schools as both a treat for children and service to the school community.  At St Columba's, we aim to continue this tradition by offering a variety of food to please the children and assist caregivers. 

We endeavour to provide your children with healthy choices in accordance with the Smart Choices guidelines. These guidelines are from the Queensland Government Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools.

​Hours of Operation

We are open each Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for lunch and afternoon Tea.  


The orders are placed online through Qkr (instructions attached below).  Qkr provides an easy way for parents and students to order from our Tuckshop. ​​

To set up an account, please set up an account here​ at the Qkr website.​

Follow the instructions to complete the set up of an account and new login details. You will require a credit card to set up this account. 

Parents are able to order up until 7:00am on each Tuckshop day. Friday is always a busy day therefore it's advisable to order in advance to any issues logging on.

Would you like to be a Volunteer? 

Our Tuckshop can only exist if we have volunteers, and therefore, we welcome you to join in the fun of being a tuckshop volunteer! We have a very friendly environment and working in the Tuckshop is a fabulous opportunity to meet other parents in the school.  You will also have the added bonus of seeing the enjoyment on your child's face when you ser​ve them from behind the counter!

Volunteers are rostere​​d on once or twice a term from 8:30am until 2:00pm (with the opportunity to pop home/out between 11:30am and 1pm).  We are flexible within these times for volunteers who, for example, may only be able to offer a few hours of their time. 

Please contact Marita Carlin (Tuckshop Convenor) on mcarlin@bne.catholic.edu.au​ if you are interested in joining the team.  Alternatively there is a WhatsApp group you can join (Information found in the Volunteer form).

See the volunteer form attached here; 

Tuckshop Volunteer Form.pdf

Qkr instructions.pdf